Strategic communications knowledge base
This Strategic Communications Incubator page hosts ICPA’s knowledge base on strategic communications, drawing on more than a decade of practice supporting civil society coalitions and networks to build key strategic communications capacity and infrastructure to work at the scale needed to achieve sustainable narrative and policy change.
Recording and sharing practice insights and guidance in accessible resources is a core element of ICPA’s Incubator work with the aim to reach and support as wide a range of progressive advocates as possible. This set of resources is focused on the needs and challenges we have seen continually arising for advocates working in narrative change. This knowledge base is a dynamic page – we will add and build on these resources to document new lessons from practice as well as address new challenges that arise.
We hope these insights, lessons and tools can set an agenda for advocates, coalitions and supporters to embrace and invest in the longer-term approach of narrative and norms change encompassed in strategic communications.