Narrative Change Lab
The Narrative Change Lab was the core capacity development element of New Migration Narratives project. In this component, our aim was to empower progressive campaigners to more effectively engage and rebalance the public debate around migration in Germany, putting diversity and inclusion more firmly back on the agenda. Key outcomes were:
- Built the capacity of 221 campaigners from 28 German Organisatons.
- Ran 21 events (trainings, feedback clinics and broader convenings) as part of the Lab
- Developed and tested 2 narrative change campaigns
- Received very positive feedback about the capacity development support provided
- Built a community of practice on narrative change thinking and provided a safe and supportive environment to allow for growth.
- Experience, lessons and learnings from the lab fed into the advocacy and public engagement strategies of many organisations who participated
Overview of the Lab and Original Plans
The Narrative Change Lab is the core, in-depth element of the New Migration Narratives project. In this component, we aim to:
Specifically, we will
- support the step-by-step development of up to five reframing campaigns targeting the "movable middle" in the migration debate in Germany
- build the capacity of 15-17 organisations to employ reframing and more strategic communication approaches
In the Lab, there are two levels of commitment, so-called "streams", that vary in intensity and engagement of participants.
1. Campaign Development Stream
This stream is designed for participants/organisations/platforms, who are willing and able to commit to developing a campaign through the programme. The tried and tested skills development approach combines a supported and scaffolded learning by doing environment based on the principles of adult learning and builds on over 15 years of experience in this area. The following table details the approach:
Stage 1 - Developing a strategy to engage the movable middle (December 2017 - March 2018) |
Stage 2 – Fleshing out your campaign plans (April – September 2018)
Stage 3 - Preparing for campaign implementation (November 2018) |
Mentoring and rollout of pilot campaign (2019)
Following the initial capacity development period in 2018, ICPA worked closely with JUMA e.V. and many other supporting activists/Lab participants to develop, rollout and test a pilot campaign to middle audiences in Germany, called Together Human or Gemeinsam Menschlich.

This involved supporting the campaign team through periods of fundraising, building the campaign team, development of creative materials and partnership building, preparation for rollout, testing and adaptation of content, monitoring and evaluation of the campaign.
2. Skills Development Stream
This stream is designed to allow participants to attend an introductory training to enhance their campaigning skills and also, optionally attend and benefit from further sessions. Shorter one-day workshops can be set up with partners starting end of 2018.