Chapter 8. About the Toolbox & #KommMit Pilot Project
The #KommMit Toolbox was developed as the capstone pedagogical tool from the RESET project. The goal of the RESET project (2020 – 2024) was to professionalise strategic communications in CLAIM Allianz and other influential networks in Germany and empower them to amplify their voice and influence in leading on reframing the debate around Muslims and Islam and reset norms towards a more socially cohesive Germany. The project included extensive capacity building, mentoring and advising in narrative change campaign development and testing, outreach and transfer to wider networks and the development of many pedagogical tools. #KommMit was the key narrative change pilot project supported within RESET.
Toolbox Authors:
- Lisa Quinn and Eóin Young, International Centre for Policy Advocacy
Design & Layout (PDF):
- Matthias Rawald, bestbefore Kommunikationsdesign
#KommMit Pilot Project
Working Group from CLAIM members who led on developing and running the pilot project:
- Florian Illerhaus, Netzwerk gegen Islamfeindlichkeit und Rassismus Leipzig (NIR) e.V.
- Julius Plumeyer, Arbeitsgemeinschaft Evangelische Jugend (aej)
- Maria Heß, Netzwerk gegen Islamfeindlichkeit und Rassismus Leipzig (NIR) e.V.
- Zeynep Kartal, Multikulturelles Forum e.V.
- Elvedin Goljica, Muslimisches Jugendwerk
- Ilyas El Bouhamouchi, Mosaik e.V.
All six working group members were certified by ICPA as Narrative Change Specialists in 2024, as one of the sustainability measures of the RESET project.

A further 11 members from CLAIM network contributed to the KommMit strategy development process:
- CD-Kaserne
- CLAIM Management Team
- Deutsche Islam Akademie e.V.
- Kreuzberger Initiative gegen Antisemitismus (KIgA) e. V.
- MJD e.V.
- RAA Berlin
- Streetwork@Online/Akzeptanz Vertrauen Perspektive (AVP) e. V.
- SWANS Initiative
- TakeOver/VBRG
- Türkische Gemeinde in Deutschland e.V. (Bundesgeschäftsstelle)
Digital Campaigning Advisors
- Chris Reed, Restless Communications
- Gareth Morgan, Restless Communications
- Ghassan Katlaby
Video Editor
- Jason Dutch
ICPA Project Support
- Tiffany Shakespeare, Project Manager, Strategic Communications Incubator
- Alice Lanzke, ICPA-certified Strategic Communications trainer
- Nadia Wernli, ICPA-certified Strategic Communications trainer
- Karim el Helaifi, Project Manager & ICPA-certified Strategic Communications Trainer
- Heiko Kalmbach, ICPA-certified Narrative Change Associate
- Nasiha Ahyoud, ICPA-certified Narrative Change Associate
International Centre for Policy Advocacy (2024, Aug 1) #KommMit Toolbox: Narrative change practice to advance social cohesion.
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The International Centre for Policy Advocacy (ICPA) develops and supports advocacy initiatives designed to promote and safeguard democratic principles and open society values. We are an advocacy support organisation based in Berlin and working in Germany and internationally to provide capacity development and mentoring support and practical resources in the areas of policy advocacy, strategic communications and narrative change.
The RESET project was supported within the Demokratie Leben programme of the Ministry of Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth. The Robert Bosch Foundation also provided co-funding for RESET in 2020-2021. The #KommMit social media pilot project was funded by aej in the framework of the competency network on Islamophobia. (Islam- und Muslimfeindlichkeit).

This publication does not express the opinions of BMFSFJ or BAFzA. The authors are solely responsible for the content of the publication.