About the toolkit
The Reframing Migration Narratives Toolkit was developed by ICPA as a key component of the project Reframe the Debate: New Migration Narratives for Constructive Dialogue (2017-2019). The toolkit contains a set of practice-centred resources and guidelines to support independent learning among those curious about how a reframing approach can be applied to narrative change work to positively rebalance the current divisive migration debate.
- Toolkit authors: Lisa Quinn & Eóin Young, International Centre for Policy Advocacy
- Branding & design: Matthias Rawald, bestbefore Kommunikationsdesign
- Video Creative Director & Layout/Visual Advisor: Heiko Kalmbach, WMT_Productions
- Video realised by: edeos- digital education GmbH
- Layout/Visual Advisor: Javier Benítez Pinzón, edeos- digital education GmbH
- Website Development: Kontrollfeld GmbH
We are especially grateful to those who allowed us to research and use their campaign case studies in the toolkit, especially Sunder Katwala from British Future, Nick Lowles from HOPE not hate and Anette Dorothea Weber from the Community Art Centre Mannheim.
Development of the toolkit was supported by:
- Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth, as part of the Demokratie Leben programme
- Social Change Initiative

Development of the featured video in the toolkit was supported by a grant from the Open Society Institute for Europe (OSIFE) of the Open Society Foundations and Robert Bosch Stiftung.
This toolkit is available to use/share under the following Creatives Commons licence:

In summary, the license means that:
- The toolkit can be shared and adapted.
- In any sharing, the original must be attributed and the same licence (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) must be used.
For full details of the licence, click here - https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/deed.en
To reference this resource (in APA Style) use:
International Centre for Policy Advocacy (2018, Dec 1) Reframing Migration Narratives Toolkit. http://www.narrativechange.org
Please note: date given should be the date of access.